December 19, 2018

December 19, 2018

December 19, 2018

November 27, 2018 "Close-ups"

November 27, 2018 "Close-ups" This week, Gallegos instructed us to take photos of objects, but very close up. At first I thought this meant macro shots, but I guess there is a difference. It had been raining on and off all day, so Marco and I immediately noticed all the plants outside of the PAC had been freshly coated in raindrops. The dew drops made an interesting pattern on the succulent petals and made for a nice picture.

November 27, 2018 "Close-ups"

November 16, 2018 "Product Shots"

November 16, 2018 "Product Shots" This week, Gallegos had us do six product shots: three outdoor and three indoor. I had done product shots before, but Gallegos said he wanted these to be "creative". I was feeling very uninspired all week, but I remembered my brother owned a shirt with a picture of converse shoes, and its laces were bunched up like spaghetti. I took inspiration from it; in this photo, I made it look like Marco was eating noodles out of a "bowl" - a vans shoe.

November 16, 2018 "Product Shots"

November 16, 2018 "Product Shots"

November 16, 2018 "Product Shots"

November 16, 2018 "Product Shots"

"Optical Illusions" October 26, 2018

"Optical Illusions" October 26, 2018

"Optical Illusions" October 26, 2018 This week, we had to take pictures of something and trick the viewer into seeing something else. This is something called forced perspective. Even though the lighting inside of the PAC was not ideal, I really like the concept that I came up with: making it seem like my models were sitting flat on a brick wall. I was able to use angles and lines to direct the viewers attention to the subject.

October 17 2018 "Outdoor Flash Portraits"

October 19 2018 "Outdoor Flash Portraits" This week, Gallegos had us shoot in flash; this is challenging enough without having to take pictures in the bright sun. I had some trouble adjusting my settings to compensate for the blinding light the camera gave off. For some reason, my camera wouldn't allow a depth of field lower than 4.5, so I worked with what I had. I tried to stay out of the sun as much as I could and I used the shade to my advantage. I can see I still have a lot to learn.

October 19, 2018 "Outdoor Flash Portraits"

"Studio Portraits" September 13, 2018 sepia Today, we stayed in the classroom to shoot in the studio. Mr. Gallegos is constantly reminding us that, as photographers, we'll never be able to escape portraits. However, I quite enjoy taking portraits because it's fun to experiment with lighting, poses, and expressions. Moments like these, when the model is caught off guard, make for the best kinds of pictures.

"Studio Portraits" September 13, 2018 full color

"Studio Portraits" September 18, 2018 black and white

"Worm's Eye Motion" August 29, 2018

"Worm's Eye Motion" August 29, 2018 This week, our assignment combined two of my worst photography subjects. I don't have much experience with worm's eye, and I have never attempted motion, so it's safe to say I had a had time getting any shots at all. I experimented with capturing motion lines with the student on his bike, as well as stopping motion in action. I did my best to get some creative angles, but overall I think I have a lot to work on.

"Worm's Eye Motion" August 29, 2018

August 23, 3018 "Reflections"

August 23, 3018 "Reflections" This week, our assignment was to go out and get shots incorporating the idea of reflection. There were many ways to go about this. I decided to take advantage of these spontaneous puddles around school. Garibay was wearing some pretty funky socks today; they contrast interestingly with the otherwise gloomy looking atmosphere.

August 23, 3018 "Reflections"

August 17, 2018 "Stranger Photos" This week, Mr, Gallegos instructed us to walk around campus and photograph strangers. The hard part of this assignment is always finding people willing to stop what they are doing to pose for a photo, especially during class time. Very few people are roaming the halls at this time. However, I captured some joyful moments. I like the way these look in black and white. Somehow, they look more genuine.

August 17, 2018 "Stranger Photos"

August 17, 2018 "Stranger Photos"